The Martian Chapter 16 Quotes

The Martian Chapter 16 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Teddy Sanders

Quote 1

"Iris 2 only risks one life. Rich Purnell risks all six of them. I know Rich Purnell is more likely to work, but I don't think it's six times more likely." (16.193)

When we first read this, we took Mitch's side: Teddy is way too afraid of taking risks. The more we thought about it, however, the more we warmed to Teddy's perspective. We still think that the Rich Purnell Maneuver was a good idea, but we understand why Teddy is so timid. If anything goes wrong—either way—Teddy will be the one held responsible.

Mitch Henderson

Quote 2

"You just want to cut your losses. You're on damage control. You don't give a s*** about Watney's life." (16.196)

Do you agree with Mitch on this one? We go back and forth. On one hand, Teddy does seem to be overcautious about taking risks. On the other, he has good reason to be skeptical: after all, his head will be on the chopping block if things go bad. It's a tough call.

Mark Watney

Quote 3

You probably think losing a crewman is the worst thing that can happen. Not true. Losing the whole crew is worse. You kept that from happening. (16.214)

Now that's the truth. Whenever Commander Lewis feels guilty about leaving Mark behind, she should remind herself that doing anything else would have left them all dead. That means no more disco. No more '70s television. Unless that's what they do in heaven all day, which actually sounds kind of nice.