The Open Boat Theme of Determination

Maybe this goes without saying, but the four men in the boat work really hard just to try to survive. Even though they admit they're all pretty tired, nobody ever gives up. They each have their own assigned task, and they commit everything they've got to do it as best they can. Through the night, the oiler and correspondent each take their turn with the oars and rows until he's literally about to collapse, and then wakes the other one up to take over. The captain doesn't sleep. How?

What is it that allows them such strength of mind? Maybe human beings aren't as fragile as we think after all…and maybe these guys can teach us a thing or two about getting our homework done on time—they've got some serious work ethic. Then again, their lives do depend on it.

Questions About Determination

  1. What are the different ways each character exhibits determination?
  2. Does the story suggest that determination is a virtue, or a beneficial quality? Why or why not?
  3. In what ways do the men see the limits of determination? Think of the empty lighthouse, the tourists on the beach, the first attempt at reaching shore.
  4. What is the relationship between optimism and determination in the story? How about courage and determination?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The words determine and determination are highly relevant to "The Open Boat." The men are determined to reach shore. But through their philosophical meditations, they also determine that the universe does not predetermine their Fates.

The story presents determination as one of the defining characteristics setting humanity apart from nature, represented here by the chaos of the waves and the menacing idleness of the shark.