The Other Boleyn Girl Chapter 38 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Summer 1533

  • Anne is due to be the king's baby mama in August, so she refuses to let Mary go to Hever during the summer.
  • Mary is furious that Anne holds such power over her, and they argue about it.
  • Mary says she wants to go to Hever after the baby is born.
  • "After the baby is born you can go to hell if you like" (38.18), says Anne. Honestly, hell would be an upgrade from Henry's court.
  • On the political front, the pope rules that Henry should be excommunicated from the Church.
  • The court worries that an invasion from Spain may be the next attack against Henry, and advisors plan for conflict.
  • Anne worries that the king will ditch her for causing even more trouble.
  • The only way for Anne to guarantee her safety is for her to pop out a royal baby boy.
  • Anne wants to have the royal christening gown for her baby, but Henry is unable to get it from Katherine.
  • Soon, Anne is secluded in her birthing chamber for the month before the child's birth.
  • Mary is happy to have Anne out of her hair for a while. A nine-month pregnancy doesn't seem long enough.