The Overcoat Theme of Politics

Nope, we're not talking about Democrats and Republicans here. We're talking about ranks. Titular councilors, Collegiate Assessors, Chancellors, and the whole nine yards. The world of "The Overcoat" is awash in governmental officials. Everyone has to tread carefully in order not to offend the people above and below them. Why is this so important? We don't know. But we do know that the rules of politics are strong enough in "The Overcoat" to cause one man's death.

Questions About Politics

  1. Why do you think that ranks are so important in " The Overcoat?" Is there any way to change them? How?
  2. What effects do ranks have on Akaky and the prominent personage? Are they good or bad? Do you think they would have been the same characters if they had different rankings?
  3. How does Akaky's ghost treat ranking in "The Overcoat?" Do you think he cares about rank anymore? Why or why not? What effect does the ghost have on the prominent personage?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Ranks are the most important thing in "The Overcoat."

Ranks cause more trouble than they are worth in "The Overcoat."