The Power and the Glory Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph.)

Quote #1

"Some food."

"We have no food."

"Never mind."

The boy came out of the hut and watched them: everybody watched. It was like a bull-fight. The animal was tired and they waited for the next move. They were not hard-hearted; they were watching the rare spectacle of something worse off than themselves. (1.3.166-9)

This explains the Jerry Springer show.

Quote #2

"The boy, father, has not been baptized. The last priest who was here wanted two pesos. I had only one peso. Now I have only fifty centavos." (1.3.176)

Pope Francis would not be pleased. The lieutenant certainly isn't. And such actions help support his argument that the Church serves the rich at the expense of the poor.

Quote #3

"You've changed." She looked him up and down with a kind of contempt. She said, "When did you get those clothes, father?" […] "It's a waste. You look like a common man." (2.1.8-14)

Notice the cultural and social expectation: a priest should not look like a common man. The priesthood is a higher class, and by looking poor, the priest dishonors it. Even in the house of God, it seems you've got to dress to impress.