The Whisky Priest Timeline and Summary


The Whisky Priest Timeline and Summary

  • Choosing to aid a boy's dying mother, the priest misses a chance to escape.
  • He takes shelter in the barn of Captain Fellows, but has to leave at night.
  • Tired from travel and evading the police, the priest arrives at the village where his daughter and former lover live. There he learns that the police are taking hostages.
  • When the lieutenant arrives, the priest tries to pull a Katniss Everdeen, offering himself in place of a chosen hostage, but to no avail.
  • Before he leaves, he tries to connect with his daughter, but fails at this too.
  • Making for Carmen, the priest takes on the unwelcomed company of the mestizo, a potential betrayer, but escapes him at last.
  • In the capital, the priest searches for a way to purchase wine so he can say Mass.
  • The police catch him with brandy and he's thrown in prison.
  • After being released, the priest finally escapes the region where his life is in danger.
  • The mestizo finds him and persuades him to give consolation to a dying man.
  • The lieutenant captures the priest and has him executed.