The Power of One Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I'm not the next welterweight contender, Mr. Groenewald, I'm just a verdomde rooinek," I said [. . .] 

"That's why you're going to be the next champ, Peekay, you've got the reason." (5.18)

Peekay believes what the other kids have told him, that because he's English he is less than they are, but Hoppie begins to turn around those bad thoughts. They become a reason to fight and win, not a reason to hide and cower.

Quote #2

[. . . A] classical piano player in the family was a social equalizer almost as good as money. (9.104)

Doc gives Peekay's mom an offer she can't refuse: the promise of a piano-playing son. In their small community, having a kid who plays the piano meant that the family was "nice," so of course Peekay's mom was willing to let Peekay practice with Doc.

Quote #3

My mother was constantly fighting to remain loyal to the Lord and his religiously garrulous congregation while at the same time aspiring to the ranks of "nice people." (9.105)

Why do you think Peekay's mother stays with her religion if it is looked down upon by the rest of the townspeople? Why doesn't she conform and go to a more mainstream church? Maybe this is where Peekay gets his maverick-like qualities.