The Reivers Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

How cool is this: Hollywood filmmakers created a replica of a 1904 Wilton Flyer for the 1969 movie version of The Reivers, starring Steve McQueen.The Winton Flyer that was created for the 1969 movie version of The Reivers later sold for over $68,000. (Source)

We've all toyed around with the idea of changing our names, right? But Faulkner actually did it. Pretending to be an Englishman, he inserted a "u" into his last name in an effort to join the Royal Air Force during Word War I. Why didn't he just speak in a cool British accent instead?  (Source)

Parents tell us not to draw on our walls, but Faulkner didn't listen: he outlined his fictional Yoknapatawpha County on the walls of his Mississippi home. Take that, Ma Faulkner. (Source)

Faulkner is (in)famous for his difficult use of language. In fact, his works are so tricky that people have actually come up with a Faulkner dictionary to help us poor readers get through them. (Source)

History shows that folks are often remembered for the last thing they do. Well, that's at least partly true here: Faulkner received a posthumous Pulitzer Prize for The Reivers, as he passed away just one month after its publication in 1962. (Source)