Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Meena / Faheel

Tilja has two guides in this book, and the first one we meet is her sassy grandma, Meena. When Tilja doesn't know how to deal with not inheriting the family magic, Meena counsels her (3.219), saying that she's got a tough road ahead of her whether or not she inherited magic. "'You've troubles enough of your own,'" she tells her granddaughter. Furthermore, Meena leads the search for Selly in the forest, guiding her grandkids to discover where her daughters' body is.

Faheel also guides Tilja, particularly in the development of her magic. He explains the situation at hand to her, shows her his own powers, and is the first one to help her utilize her powers and show her what she is capable of. It's only with Tilja's help that Faheel is able to destroy the Watchers, and he remarks on how outstanding her power is.

More than anything, Faheel encourages Tilja, helping her realize her full potential without shoving it down her throat. He hints at the Ropemaker's presence on her journey by asking her about the hair on the hair tie, but allows Tilja to reach the conclusion for herself (11.137-139)—and by doing so, she becomes confident on her own abilities.