The Sky is Everywhere Chapter 5 Summary

  • This chapter starts out with—you guessed it—a poem, which actually reads more like dialogue with no quotation marks.
  • In the poem, Bailey tells Lennie that she and Toby finally had sex, Lennie pretends not to care, and Bailey gets annoyed at Lennie's non-reaction.
  • In the present, it's 2:00AM. Lennie is writing a poem about Bailey on the wall of Bailey's closet, listening to pebbles ping on her window. She knows it's Toby, and wishes she didn't know that.
  • Toby tells her he can't sleep, and that he has something to tell her.
  • As they tiptoe through the house toward her soundproof room, Lennie reflects that this was not what Gram meant when she'd told Lennie to reach out to Toby. Yeah, probably not…
  • They sit beside each other in silence for a while, then they banter about how quiet Toby generally is.
  • They talk about how no one else understands what they're going through, and they say they're glad they at least have each other. Can you tell where this is going?
  • Toby pulls a bottle of tequila out of his jacket and offers it to Lennie.
  • Toby tells Lennie that he asked Bailey to marry him, and she said yes.
  • Lennie is shocked, especially since her sister was only nineteen years old. She also feels left out, and Toby saying "we were going to tell you" only makes her feel more left out.
  • She'd thought that going to Juilliard was Bailey's dream, and she just doesn't understand how marrying Toby would fit with that.
  • The pair gets even more sad, if that's possible. Toby touches Lennie's hair, Lennie thinks that he misses Bailey as much as she does, and suddenly they're kissing.
  • They cry and spoon and fall asleep and wake up and kiss, becoming the very picture of a hot mess.
  • A very short poem end caps the chapter: "I/wish/my/shadow/would/get/up/and/walk/beside/me."