G. K. Gokhale

Character Analysis

Indian leader Gokhale founds the Servants of India Society and serves as a mentor to Gandhi. He gives a ton of help to the young mentee. Gandhi says:

He told me whom to approach and how to approach them. He asked to have a look at my speech. [...] In the sphere of politics the place that Gokhale occupied in my heart during his lifetime and occupies even now was and is absolutely unique. (2.28.4)

Aww. That's so much more than just a bromance.

We don't learn much about Gokhale, but the role he plays shows the importance of mentors in life—even when the life in question is that of Mohandas "Father of India" Gandhi. Through Gokhale, Gandhi meets "the foremost Bengali families" (3.19.6) and "all the important people that called on" Gokhale (3.17.2). He "overwhelm[s]" Gandhi "with praise" (3.17.1). To get anywhere in life, it helps to have someone who's been there helping you along.