The Trojan Horse Trivia

The Trojan Horse Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Trojan Horses are a name for a type of malware, which sneaks onto you computer disguised as some happy nice program.

In a Native American version of the Trojan Horse gambit, Ottawa and Ojibwa warriors gained entry to a British fort by playing a game of baug-ah-ud-o-way (similar to lacrosse) outside the walls and asking if they could come inside to retrieve their errant ball. Once inside, they killed or captured the entire British garrison.

The Mykynos Vase, which has the oldest known depiction of the Trojan Horse on it, is also the oldest known piece of ancient Greek pottery, dating from 670 BCE. It was found by a farmer who hid it for a while fearing that the government would appropriate his field to look for more antiquities. (Come on, guys. What's a farmer without his field?)

At the 2011 Burning Man Festival some dudes made a gigantic replica of the Trojan Horse, got hundreds of people to drag it through the desert, then set it on fire. Awesome.

The huge Trojan Horse used in the movie Troy was given to the city of Canakkale, Turkey, which is near the ruins of Troy. (So, check it out next time you're in Turkey.)