The Usual Suspects Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Usual Suspects.

Quote #1

VERBAL: Back when I was picking beans in Guatemala we used to make fresh coffee. Right off the trees I mean. That was good. This is s***, but hey, I'm in a police station.

This is a pretty innocent comment. It doesn't seem to have much importance. But it's not actually true—it's a detail that Verbal/Söze picked from the bulletin board in the police station office to concoct his story. Kujan notices it and the other details at the very end, and realizes what a mistake he's made.

Quote #2

KUJAN: A rumor's not a rumor that doesn't die.

Kujan thinks that there must be some truth to a rumor with staying power. Unfortunately, he forgets this himself, imagining that Söze doesn't really exist, and that Keaton was behind the caper.

Quote #3

VERBAL: A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself.

In retrospect, this takes on deeper meaning. Verbal convinces Kujan that he, Verbal, is really the man he claims to be—when he's actually Keyser Söze. His confidence in his true, evil identity makes him a pretty cool customer.