The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

According to Warsaw's tourist website, "there are countless reasons to fall in love with Warsaw." The Warsaw Zoo, which is still open today, has about 5,000 of those reasons. Yep, it's home to 5,000 animals of 500 species, from local Polish animals to exotic ones. (Source)

Antonina and Jan may have passed away, but as of 2008, their son Ryszard was still living in Poland. He was featured in a documentary about the zoo, called Safe Haven: The Warsaw Zoo, in 2009. (Source)

If you speak Polish and know where to find rare children's books, you can take a peek at Borsunio, one of Antonina's books, which she published after the war. The title should sound familiar: Borsunio is the name of the badger who lives at the zoo and features as a prominent character in The Zookeeper's Wife. (Source)