Theme of Women and Femininity in Theseus: Later Adventures and Death

Theme of Women and Femininity in Theseus: Later Adventures and Death

The stories of Theseus's final years are full of examples of women being treated badly. In particular, the Amazons get the bum end of the deal. This race of warrior women live totally free of male influence. Well, that is until Theseus comes along and screws up their lives. Not only does he kidnap their queen, Hippolyta, but many of them are slaughtered when they raise and army to come rescue her.

It says a lot about the status of women in ancient Greek society, when the Amazons, symbols of total girl power, can be so easily over powered and defeated. The powerlessness of women is also shown when Hippolyta is abandoned by Theseus and when he kidnaps Helen of Sparta. All in all, Theseus's later adventures tell the story that ancient Greece truly was a man's world.

Questions About Women and Femininity

  1. In what ways might the Amazons symbolize female power?
  2. Compare and contrast the role of women today to the role they played in ancient Greece.
  3. What woman do you think has the most power in the later myths of Theseus? The least? Explain your answers.