John Renfrew Timeline and Summary


John Renfrew Timeline and Summary

  • Renfrew devises an experiment that will send messages back in time to warn the past about the current ecological disasters plaguing the '90s.
  • With the help of Gregory Markham, he convinces Ian Peterson to secure them funding.
  • Renfrew goes on an outing with his son and realizes he is drifting away from the boy.
  • Peterson receives a message from the past but asks that Renfrew not send back the message, since he is curious what a paradox would look like. Renfrew argues against this reckless plan.
  • Renfrew also receives an odd background noise in his experiment, which could be from others trying to communicate. He does his best to weed it out, so he can send clean messages to the past.
  • Renfrew starts staying later and later at the lab; he finds Marjorie distraught over the changes in the world and promises her a day out.
  • But the world doesn't get any better and Renfrew continues to spend long hours transmitting messages into the past.
  • Growing sick from overexertion, Renfrew says screw it and sends a personal message back in time.
  • Just before the power cuts out in his lab, he receives a mysterious message that might be from the year 2349.
  • Deciding someone, anyone, being out there means hope, Renfrew leaves his lab to spend the rest of his life with his wife and family.