The Life of Timon of Athens Act 3, Scene 1 Summary

Read the full text of The Life of Timon of Athens Act 3 Scene 1 with a side-by-side translation HERE.

  • One of Timon's servants, Flaminius, shows up at Lucullus's house with an empty box.
  • Lucullus sees the box and thinks, hey, it's present time.
  • But when Flaminius explains that the box is empty, and Timon needs a favor from him this time, Lucullus changes his tune.
  • People shouldn't really be that extravagant in their gifts, Lucullus says: it's not normal. Timon should put the brakes on once in a while.
  • Flaminius walks away empty-handed, but not before he notes (just to the audience) that Lucullus is still full of Timon's meat since he was happy with Timon's generosity at the banquet only two nights ago.