Tortilla Flat Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

His grandfather was an important man who owned two small houses in Tortilla Flat and was respected for his wealth. (Preface.6)

We don't know anything about Danny's grandfather except that he owned a couple of houses and was wealthy. That's enough to earn him respect in the town because it puts him in the position of controlling land and other resources (both of which gives him power).

Quote #2

When Danny heard about it he was a little weighed down with the responsibility of ownership. (1.2)

Danny, rather than being happy about inheriting the two houses from his grandfather, instead feels burdened by the inheritance. For him, owning the houses is a responsibility that he doesn't want. It also puts him on the level of his grandfather, which is a social class he has rejected with his actions. It's likely that there's a lot about his grandfather's life that Danny rejects as well. Maybe the life his grandfather led is one that Danny thinks will make him miserable; that could be why Danny is afraid of following in his grandfather's footsteps.

Quote #3

Pilon had been right—he had been raised among his fellows. (2.7)

Pilon warns Danny that now that he is a homeowner he will become a big man, and fears that he will get uppity and think he's better than his friends. Danny realizes that this is true, that people start to treat him differently and that he's in a higher position on the social ladder than he was before.