True Grit Chapter 6, Part 2 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • LaBoeuf hides on one side of the ridge near the dugout, and Mattie and Rooster camp out on the other side.
  • Late in the night, six robbers ride up. Rooster points out Haze, Lucky Ned Pepper, and The Original Greaser Bob.
  • Cool names, bros.
  • When he realizes something funny is going on, Ned fires three shots in the air. A gunfight ensues. Here's the scoreboard:
  • LaBoeuf kills Ned's horse and some rando.
  • Rooster kills Haze and wounds Bob.
  • Ned cuts the robbery loot from his horse and runs, leaving the loot in the woods for our merry band to find later.
  • A robber shoots LaBoeuf in the arm, but Mattie bandages it up all nice and then makes coffee.
  • The next morning, our gang transports a bunch of dead bodies to McAlester's store, arriving at 10 in the morning.
  • Rooster tries to leave Mattie behind at McAlester's store, but LaBoeuf says she's earned the right to come along. Awww.
  • They ride for fifty miles up into the Winding Stair Mountains. Rooster drinks whiskey from a bottle as they ride, because what else are you going to do, play your 3DS?
  • At midnight they stop "some four miles from Lucky Ned Pepper's bandit stronghold" (7.581).
  • They scarf some grub, and Mattie zonks out.