Rosemarie Hathaway Timeline & Summary


Rosemarie Hathaway Timeline & Summary

  • Out in Portland, Rose wakes up to the sound of Lissa's screams. She's having another nightmare about their accident, but a real nightmare is about to begin in their lives. Almost as soon as Lissa feeds on Rose, they catch a glimpse of a guardian named Dimitri who has come to take them back to the academy.
  • Back at St. Vladimir's, Rose and Lissa get a tongue-lashing from Headmistress Kirova about running away. Rose takes the brunt of it, and is suspended from all extra-curricular activities. School and training with Dimitri are her life now.
  • Rose starts training and realizes how behind she is in combat. She's worried she won't be able to catch up, or save Lissa from a Strigoi if she ever needs to.
  • When Lissa starts hanging out with Christian—whose parents used to be Strigoi—Rose flips out and warns her to keep a low profile. Too late. Lissa connects with Christian in a way she just doesn't with her ex, Aaron.
  • Bored and looking for something to do with Lissa, Rose starts going to church. There, she learns about the school's patron saint, St. Vladimir, and his shadow-kissed sidekick, Anna. She wants to learn more about them because she thinks she and Lissa might be connected somehow.
  • Lissa gets a little present on her pillow—a dead fox—and she and Rose worry that someone knows about what happened in the woods two years ago with Ms. Karp. Huh? We're not sure what happened either.
  • Even people on house arrest need a little pick-me-up. Rose hooks up with Jesse, the school hunk, one day in the lounge, but before it can go anywhere, Dimitri walks in and breaks the two of them up. He's disappointed in Rose because she's got to focus on training, not boys; she's not sure why, but she really wants his approval.
  • Meanwhile, we learn what happened in the woods two years ago: Lissa and Rose saw a dead raven, and Lissa went towards it and reached out. The raven flapped it wings, and wasn't dead any more. Wow. Ms. Karp told them to keep it to themselves, to never tell anyone what just happened and to never do it again. Ever.
  • Then another dead animal—this time a rabbit—gets put in Lissa's stuff. The girls get even more worried when it comes with a note saying, "I know what you are." Yep, someone knows about the dead-then-alive raven. Lissa is sure of it too, and cuts her wrists.
  • Everyone is buzzing about Rose hooking up with Jesse… and Ralf. Even though the rumors aren't true, Rose is humiliated because everyone thinks she's some cheap, dirty chick; she focuses on her training, while Lissa decides to do something about the nasty rumors.
  • Lissa starts using magic compulsion on people to get them to agree with her that Rose isn't the easy girl everyone thinks she is, and one by one, she gets people to change what they think. Meanwhile, Rose starts reading up on St. Vladimir and Anna a bit more. It turns out St. Vladimir, Ms. Karp, and Lissa have a lot in common. They (1) didn't specialize in an element, (2) used compulsion, and (3) could heal people. Hmm… that doesn't sound like a coincidence to us.
  • A couple days later, Lissa and Rose go to the mall with Prince Victor, Natalie, and some guardians. It's Rose's first real on-the-job training as a guardian, so she doesn't want to disappoint.
  • While walking around, Rose slips and breaks her ankle. She's bummed because she'll have to miss training, but when she wakes up, the doc tells her she's good to go. Translation? Lissa healed her broken leg.
  • Lissa is panicking and depressed after healing Rose, so she cuts her wrists, but when Rose gets Dimitri for help, Lissa gets ticked and tells Rose to go away. She never should have shared a big secret like that.
  • A couple days later, Lissa is kidnapped by a bunch of guardians. Rose runs to tell Dimitri so they can rescue her BFF, but before she can, she's overcome by a huge, longing desire for him.
  • They start making out, but when Dimitri takes Rose's necklace off, both of them snap back to reality. She suddenly remembers why she's there: Lissa is in trouble. They were both under a spell in the necklace.
  • Dimitri, Rose, and some other guardians race after Lissa and the kidnappers to a cabin in the woods (scary, we know). There, Lissa is being tortured to convince her to use her magical healing powers to heal Prince Victor from a disease. Using her powers takes a lot out of her, but she eventually gives in. What choice does she have?
  • The guardians go to rescue her, and in the commotion, Christian gets brutally attacked by psi-hounds. Lissa is too weak to heal someone else, so Rose gives her some of her own blood. What are friends for?
  • Lissa heals Christian's wounds, one-by-one, until he's put back together again. She realizes how much she cares about him, and they get together.
  • Victor defends what he did, even though it hurt Lissa. He also lets Rose in on a little secret: Lissa brought her back from the dead, just like St. Vladimir did with Anna. That's why she's called shadow-kissed. It's also why the girls are so attached to each other.
  • Rose really wants to be with Dimitri, especially after kissing him, but he tells her it's not such a good idea. They're both guardians, and it would be too dangerous.
  • Rose hopes she has what it takes to protect Lissa at all costs.