A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Quizzes

    Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
    Q. Who said, "He's an angel [. . . .] He must have been coming for the child, but the poor fellow is so old that the rain knocked him down"?

    The child
    The very old man
    The wise neighbor woman
    Q. Who suggested that the angel be put out to stud?

    The crowd
    Father Gonzaga
    The child
    Q. Who couldn't understand why all humans didn't have wings?

    The Pope
    The doctor
    The very old man
    Q. Who warns the crowd against the risks of being naïve?

    Father Gonzaga
    The flying acrobat
    The spider woman
    Q. Who said that it was "awful living in a hell full of angels"?

    The very old man
    Father Gonzaga