War Horse Chapter 20 Quotes

War Horse Chapter 20 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

"For this horse I will pay one hundred English pounds if I must do. No one will have this horse except me. This is my Emilie's horse. It is hers by right." (20.12)

Emilie's grandpapa sees it as his duty to respect her dying wish, devoting his entire life to finding Joey and Topthorn. This guy ain't rich, but he will spend all the money he has to do what's right.

"I can't tell you any more cause I know you'd understand every word I said, and then you'd only worry yourself sick with." (20.6)

Albert is one of the few characters who believes that Joey can understand him. But wait a second. Albert and the other English blab the whole thing about the horse sale within earshot, and Joey doesn't actually react. So maybe he doesn't understand, after all. What do you think?

Quote 3

He brought his hammer down on the table and I was sold. (20.12)

Joey may not be shaking in his horseshoes, but we sure are. We don't think we could handle it if Joey were taken away from his family again. Joey's lack of panic either shows his confidence that things will turn out okay or proves that he is completely oblivious to everything going on.