War Horse Chapter 4 Quotes

War Horse Chapter 4 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

"Joey is my horse. He's my horse and he always will be, no matter who buys him." (4.16)

Substitute "brother" for "horse" and you've got yourself one adorable sibling relationship. Except for the whole someone purchasing your brother thing.

Quote 2

"If Joey goes with you, I go. I want to join up and stay with him." (4.17)

Even at thirteen, Albert has more courage than his father. He's willing to enlist in war, the Great War, and risk death to stay with Joey. Do you think he really understands the consequences at that age?

"I like your spirit, so when you're old enough, you must come and join the cavalry." (4.21)

Hey, it's not all about the horses. Captain Nicholls sees something special in Albert. It's probably his devotion to his horse, which would make him a great fit for the cavalry. Although Albert doesn't end up joining the cavalry, he does bring his aptitude for horses to the veterinary unit, becoming a valuable member of the military.