War Horse Chapter 6 Quotes

War Horse Chapter 6 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

Captain Nicholls walked by my head turning his eyes out to sea so that no one should notice the tears in them. (6.3)

War will make grown men cry. Seeing all the death on the battlefield moves Nicholls to tears, but being a Captain, he has to set a stoic example for his men.

Quote 2

My comfort came from Topthorn, who [...] would lean his great head over the stall and let me rest on his neck. (6.2)

Horses can be imposing creatures sometimes. But to their friends, both human and horse, they can be tender and gentle. Like people, they have all sorts of sides to their personality.

Quote 3

Topthorn, I noticed, always shook his head in the water before he started to drink so that alongside him I was showered all over my face and neck with cooling water. (6.4)

This is a little maneuver Topthorn does to show how special Joey is to him. Remind you of a secret handshake or something that you have with your friends?