Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.

Quote #1

MAROON: Nah! He's a Toon. You can drop anything you want on his head, he'll shake it off. But break his heart, he goes to pieces just like you or me. Read that.

Most friends would stop standing beside you if you dropped things on their head multiple times. They'd definitely stop standing under you. But Toons are different. It's in their nature to be slapstick and to hurt themselves for comedy, so they'll still be loyal companions to people who beat them up. But heartbreak is another matter entirely.

Quote #2

JESSICA (singing): Why don't you do right, like some other men do?

This is a classic jazz/blues song from the 1930s, making it a perfect fit for a film noir. As the resident femme fatale, Jessica needs to find a man she can trust. The catch is that most men like Eddie aren't going to trust her because she is the resident femme fatale. What's a girl to do?

Quote #3

VALIANT: She's married to Roger Rabbit?

BETTY BOOP: Yeah. What a lucky girl.

It's a running joke throughout the movie: why would a babe like Jessica be married to a goofy rabbit? Although she'll reveal the answer later, one main reason she likes him is because he trusts her and he's loyal to her. Roger only has eyes for one woman, and it's his wife.