Ed Slaterton Timeline and Summary


Ed Slaterton Timeline and Summary

  • Ed meets Min at Al's sixteenth birthday party; they hit it off and he asks for her number.
  • He and Min go on their first date. They see a movie, and follow some random lady all over town. Long story.
  • He continues his courtship of Min with long late-night phone calls and several other dates. They get naked and do everything but.
  • When they're not naked, Ed and Min spend a lot of time planning a movie star's birthday party. Again, long story, but Ed's surprisingly into it—he thinks that Min's different, in a good way.
  • Ed confesses his love for Min. She loves him back.
  • She stops loving him for, like, five minutes on the night of Halloween: Turns out Ed told his best friend Trevor that Min's a virgin. It is abundantly clear Ed's the worst.
  • But he apologizes later that night, and Min forgives him.
  • Ed and Min have sex at an eccentric motel. It's her first time, but not his.
  • He buys Min a pair of ugly earrings and leaves them in her locker.
  • But he also buys red roses for Annette, who he's secretly sleeping with. Min finds out and goes bananas, then dumps him.