Wings Theme of Wisdom and Knowledge

What you think you know about faeries is drastically different than what faeries in Wings are actually like. Laurel has a lot to learn when it comes to her heritage, and we get to learn it along with her. Her biology study-buddy David gets to help, since a lot of conventional biology knowledge is applicable to faeries, because they're basically highly evolved plants.

Still, because Laurel, David, and Tamani are all fairly young, they're frequently on their own when it comes to figuring things out. When Jamison gets introduced near the end of the book, we're pretty blown away by how wise he is, and we kind of wish he'd been around to guide the younger characters earlier on. Ah well, c'est la vie and onward.

Questions About Wisdom and Knowledge

  1. What did you know (or think you knew) about faeries before reading Wings?
  2. Apart from Jamison, who do you think is the wisest character in the book?
  3. Why doesn't Tamani tell Laurel everything about being a faerie at first?
  4. What is the most surprising thing you learned about faeries in the book?