The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

it was as though she was searching for something she wanted, needed—must have, more than life itself, and which had been taken from her. (5.24)

You know those people who feel like life has done them wrong, even though life doesn't exactly have a consciousness or will to do individual people wrong? Yeah. That's Jennet. And people who feel betrayed by life always find a way to take it out on the world.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 2

In Scotland, a son was born to her and she wrote of him with a desperate, clinging affection. (9.35)

Jennet was once a normal human, even a fond and affectionate mother. And now look at what she's become. Hint: it's not pretty.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 3

…when they began again it was at first in passionate outrage and protest, later, in quiet, resigned bitterness. Pressure was being exerted upon her to give up the child for adoption… (9.35)

How could you not feel betrayed if your own family was conspiring to snatch your child from your arms? Sure, Jennet's got a reason to be mad. But maybe not so much at Arthur, who wasn't even alive yet when all the craziness went down.