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Literary Analysis Videos

TSI Reading: The Mongoose Is In the Details: Identifying Characterization

The details in the passage suggest that Rikki-tikki is

(A)cold-hearted and expressionless
(B)experienced in fighting cobras
(C)overcome with fear and weakness
(D)extremely brave and courageous

Identifying and Analyzing Ideas Videos 20 videos

TSI Reading: The Power of Simile Compels You

The phrase "like one possessed by a demon" used in lines 8–9 helps the reader understand that old master(A)has seen a ghost(B)is probably insane(...

TSI Reading: Identifying Explicit Details

According to the passage, the author is most grateful for(A)the opportunity to review and write to every regiment(B)the good report and praise from...

TSI Reading: The Mongoose Is In the Details: Identifying Characterization

The details in the passage suggest that Rikki-tikki is(A)cold-hearted and expressionless(B)experienced in fighting cobras(C)overcome with fear and...

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