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Main Idea and Supporting Details Videos

TSI Reading: Going to the Dogs: Determining the Main Idea

Dogs have the ability to "read" human emotions. For example, dogs have been shown to discriminate between humans who approach in a friendly manner as opposed to a threatening one. They also respond more positively to rewards such as petting and positive verbalizations. Canines can also distinguish between a smiling face, a neutral one, and faces with expressions between happiness and disgust. Amazingly, they can use this information to find food. Lastly, dogs have been known to recognize sad reactions in people and are more likely to approach a crying person compared with someone who is speaking or singing.

The main idea of this passage maintains that dogs

(A)prefer to approach humans with a neutral face
(B)receive the most food from humans who are disgusted
(C)feel sympathy for humans
(D)are aware of human emotions

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Jefferson Davis was an unusual man. During a long and frequently tragic life, his favorite job, according to his wife Varina, was serving as a U.S....

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Born into a theatrical family in 1778, Joe Grimaldi was a theater superstar who rose to national prominence in 1806 playing a clown in the pantomim...

TSI Reading: Going to the Dogs: Determining the Main Idea

Dogs have the ability to "read" human emotions. For example, dogs have been shown to discriminate between humans who approach in a friendly manner...

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