

To believe or not to believe, that is the question.


Ah, the creation narrative. Since the beginning of time, humans have endeavored to explain the beginning of time. In Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, God created everything in about a week. (Kudos to God for that swift handiwork.) In Hinduism, a giant separated his body into the sky, land, and sea. In Greek mythology, death, night, and Erebus were born out of chaos and emptiness, and from there came love, light, day, and the earth (in that order).

Being aware of our own mortality has plagued us with questions like, "Is there life after death?" "How did we come to exist?" "What is a soul and do I have one?" Religion is the result of humans pondering their own existence. What even is life, anyway?

Religious studies goes beyond religious practice and dogma by digging deeper, and if you've already got your shovel at the ready, keep on diggin'. Religious studies isn't just about learning about religious creeds and practices. Studying religion will give you a historical, philosophical, or literary point of view that you likely wouldn't find in church or tabernacle.

The post-grad life is really only for future scholars who really find religious studies interesting. Unlike disciplines like computer science or engineering, there aren't a lot of directly applicable job prospects for people with advanced degrees in religious studies. With an advanced degree, you can basically either get paid to do research or teach, and that sure sounds great if you love the discipline you're in.

Percentage of US students who major in Religious Studies:


Stats obtained from this source.