ABCD Counties
Categories: Metrics, Charts, Econ, Financial Theory
So we're in the media business, and Santa Clara County, which comprises the heart of Silicon Valley, is worth a whole lot more to advertisers than Southeast Des Moines County. Not being snobby or's just the numbers and the wealth doing the talking. ACNielsen is the premier media measurement company, and they invented the notion of ABCD level counties, such that media buyers had an easier time allocating dollars. An A County is one of the twenty-five largest U.S. metro areas. Think high-density population. Think movers and shakers. Think money. B Counties are defined as those with population over 150,000 (not including A counties). C Counties generally live between the 40,000 to 150,000 population mark, and D Counties are everything else, as well as whatever we've currently colonized on Mars.