All-In Coverage
Categories: Insurance
No poker players, "all-in coverage" is not insurance you can buy just before you push in all your chips. That's called "river insurance." (No, not really, but stick with us...) And insurance for river-borne crafts is called "floating insurance." And insurance for root beer floats is called "sink indemnity coverage." And coverage for your kitchen sink...well, if you live in a condo, that might actually be called (and we're done kidding at this point) "all-in coverage."
All-in coverage, or all-inclusive coverage as it's sometimes called, represents a specific form of condominium insurance.
Under this type of coverage, the individual condo is covered under the condominium association's master policy. Basically, the condo complex has a single policy that covers the entire property, including the individual condo units. Under this set up, the residents are usually responsible for insuring their personal property, like their clothes and TV and whatnot. But the physical structure and the fixtures in the condo fall under the general insurance.