

In Yellowstone, it means one thing. On Castro Street in San Francisco, it means another. But on Wall Street, a Bear is a Dour Dan, a Sad Sadly, a Negative Nancy. A bear believes that things will get worse, that the market will go down, and that the glass really is half empty and, uh...has germs on its rim.

So why a bear?

Because it's strong. And the sad backstory is that its counterpart, Positive Polly, is a bull. Bored (presumably stoned) miners in California used to pit the two animals against each other in a ring, and whoever won, well, more or less determined the future of the markets. It was that era's crystal ball, albeit with blood all over it. Think: Punxsutawney Phil with deadly powers. Where was PETA when we needed them?

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Finance: What is a Bear Hug?7 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is a bear-hug? well you remember old uncle [Uncle Larry appears]


Larry right the former 350 pound Olympic wrestler who could braid his own chest


hair yeah kind of gross but no that's the guy well he got out of the bathtub [Larry in a bath tub]


once while y'all were at your ski cabin in Wyoming and a real bear saw him


through the window and well simply put fell in love yeah that's how


Bears do it well Larry went over to the bear family [Larry wearing bear fur]


for Christmas and when he walked in a little bear dude guy screamed Mom, there's a


human in the cave but Larry fit right in he hugged each of the Bear Jamboree [Larry hugging a bear]


family really hard they wanted to call it a human hug but well somehow the name


didn't stick so uncle Larry is that guy well he hugged at Christmas


bears humans and whatever he hugged hard.. hard enough to squeeze the air out of


anyone or anything and if he suddenly let go well you had a really hard time [Larry lets bear go and bear struggles to breathe]


catching your breath well that's the setting of a Wall Street bear hug, a big


hairy powerful player often recently bathed ideally yeah not still in the


bathtub making a bid to buy a weaker competitor at a price substantially


higher than the current market price of the target it's a hug and the target had [Larry chasing a man for a hug]


better hugged back and be acquired or else why because if the bear hugger


suddenly lets go while the target falls back from the $28


a share of the bear is offering to buy it falls all the way back to the 15


dollars it was trading at before all that you know hugging started and if the


bear walks away and the company just languishes at 15 bucks a share without [Bear walks away with company]


any other bidders.. the board gets their pants sued off by shareholders who


are just "robbed" of $13 a share in gains likely meaning that the


entire company reboots and in hindsight well that it would have been oh so much


better to let Larry just move into the cave where you know he really felt at [Larry in the cave with bears]


home with everyone there check out those salmon..

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