Corporate Tax


Categories: Tax, Company Management

It's like income tax for companies. The same way you owe the government a certain amount of your income just for existing within the country's borders, corporations owe the government a certain percentage of its profits.

These taxes can be levied on all levels of government, national, state, or even local. And you think your taxes are complicated? The corporate tax code has layers of rules and interpretations and grey areas. That's why big companies have entire divisions of accountants.

Corporate tax is a politically controversial thing as well. To the common man, a company making a billion dollars is just an unfathomable load of profit. But the company dug oil wells and took ten billion dollars of capital to get that oil. So the guy complaining about whoever making a billion dollars in profits...also happens to love paying only three bucks a gallon for his gas instead of eight, like they do in Europe, where they layer taxes upon taxes.

So corporate taxes can be pushed high. American companies then earn less, and end up being less competitive on a few fronts with the rest of the world, which has lower taxes. Think: China.

Many companies pay dividends as well, but dividends come after corporate taxes, so when the recipient of the dividend gets that divvy, she pays tax on it...again. Should corporate taxes consider that "double-taxation"? Maybe. Not an easy political football to throw around.

And there's another hot potato: what's deductible? In the 70's, corporate taxes were massive, but corporations could deduct just about everything. Think: That snazzy country club membership for each of its execs. That pool table for the break room. That firefighters' pole from the 9th floor to the 8th.

So...just looking at the number in a vacuum doesn't mean all that much if enough can be deducted so that the corporation doesn't have enough profits to be taxed in the first place. The process is kind of a mood ring. Each decade, it seems, different resource allocation pressures get recognized, and the tide (and mood ring color) shifts.

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Finance: Why Do Taxes Exist?138 Views


Why do taxes exist and notice we're saying that with a kind of a whiny tone


alright well someone has to pay for this and this and this and this yep there are [Hand pointing to a road, a school, a plane and a park]


a bunch of different types of taxes in each of them carries a different purpose


yeah Road taxes get paid in large part out of


the gasoline you buy you got to pay for the building and maintaining of potholes [Car drives into a pothole]


right and that makes sense if you drive a car you use the roads more so you


should pay more for its use that's like a use tax get it cleverly named if for [Price for federal tax per gallon and state tax per gallon]


when you own a home you'll pay real estate tax and for the most part that


tax is designated to pay schools all right well but like everything [Hand holding money from real estate tax to pay for schools]


government related nothing is simple in America the federal government has kind


of a matching program for schools where they pay for a portion of the education


cost based on various factors and you don't want us to get into that in the [complicated equation on chalkboard]


video all right well the largest taxes most people pay are income taxes and


those generally pay for the government to you know govern us if a couple made a


hundred grand jointly in California last year they'd pay around thirty [A couple stood together in their home]


thirty-five grand in taxes that money covers things like shiny new airplanes


to force the mean countries to play nice in the schoolyard it covers repairs to


crumbling bridges and tunnels across the country it covers public protective [Bridges crumbling]


services like police and fire department people


it covers libraries and public parks, well don't feel like you're getting your


money's worth these days if you're ever not feeling that you can always move to [Woman chased from a park by a tiger]


the Ukraine discounts on citizenship they're everywhere

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