

Categories: Index Funds

Ever wake up in a sweat in the middle of the night thinking, "I don't have enough hedging positions in the credit derivatives market"?

If so, iTraxx might be the product for you. It's a set of credit default swap index products covering various world markets outside of North America. It has products targeting Europe, Japan, Asia (outside of Japan), and Australia.

The goal is to provide more liquidity to the credit default swap market. And, if you're wondering, a credit default swap is a financial product that allows investors to hedge credit risk.

iTraxx was formed in 2004 by the merger of Trac-X and iBoxx, which either sounds like a pair of Soundcloud rappers or a set of competing feminine hygiene products.

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Finance: What is a Country Basket (Index...30 Views


Finance, a la shmoop. What is a country basket index fund?


All right we're picking daisies, marigolds, lilies so uh how do we [Pictures of flowers]


rephrase in Italian? Like, we want to fill a portfolio basket with just stocks [Pouring a glass of red wine]


representing the overall financial health of Italy. Is Italy healthy? While


they smoke a lot they drink a lot of wine they eat a bunch of pasta but there


always seems to be a woman from some small village who's celebrating her [Old woman at a birthday party]


117th birthday over there. Well a country basket is just an index fund of


stocks representing a country. Like we're doing Korea... South we're gonna have


in that basket dunno some Samsung, a load of Daewoo, a hunk of Hyundai and some [Company stocks being added to the basket]


nice barbecue on the side. That'd be our Korean country basket and it's a good


basket to fill if you're just bullish on a country but not really sure which


flower on which to place your bets. It's like instead of trying to decide between [The stocks in the basket turn into flowers]


roulette or poker or slots... Well you just buy stock in Las Vegas


Sands you know you bet on the entire casino, and bueno Fortuna you know good [Someone checking their cards in a casino]


luck there pal, doesn't the house always win? Yeah so why do people keep going there?...

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