

Categories: IPO

The start of something. The Big Bang. Like the time you met that cutie at a party...and now you're married with four kids.

In finance, we're talking about loan or mortgage origination. You walk into a bank and start filling out some forms. They take you through the process, getting you to hand in all the pertinent paperwork about your finances, checking your credit score, getting the contracts ready and all the other documents you need to review and sign.

Once you get the loan (assuming you get approved), the originator might not keep it. They could sell your loan on the secondary market to another financial institution, who assumes the risk of default and receives the payments from that point forward.

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Finance: What is Primary Market?3 Views


finance a la shmoop what is the primary market all right well a primary market


is a market where baby stock issues go to be bought for the first time debt [Baby with stocks for heads on conveyor belt]


equity and other securities start trading on the primary market usually


courtesy of your kindly loving IPO like primary it's the first time they're


offered in that process for a brief moment in time the underwriter [Case of cash appears]


sponsoring the primary market offering of those securities actually owns them


they then mark them up a few percent and turn around and sell them to the public


much like that storks brief light from the fluffy clouds in the sky to that you [Stork flying with stock]


know front doorstep the magic act that created a legal and Farish primary


market was the 1933 Securities Act which essentially regulated the process for [Securities Act appears on table]


how companies and banks offer new shares to an unwitting baby innocent public


after that offering those securities then trade on what is called the


secondary market clever naming their regulated by the also cleverly named


Securities Act of 1934 all of this was done to protect investors who were [Men wrestling]


wrestling greed and fear and ignorance and yes this IPO essence really crapped



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