Product Line

Categories: Company Management

See: Product Family.

A product line sector: women's fashion. The Summer 2020 collection: "The Year of Hindsight, How Did I Get This Way?" Think: the new silk blouses (or blice). Yellow. Red. Blue. Green. Purple. The product line of blouses, in every primary color.

Product lines are a key delimiter in the operations of companies, largely becuase there are so many synergies on either side of the production process. Suppliers supply very similar goods (silk, weaving, buttons, and then different colored dyes). Buyers come from the same places: Macy's, Walmart, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus. Products stand in a line, because they have so many similarities.

Like penguins waiting for their betrothed to return from the sea with a mouthful of fish vomit for them. Ah, the romance.

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