Proprietary Trading


Categories: Trading

You're a trader at Goldman Sachs. You sit on their trading floor. Think: insanely high-end casino. You're trading Goldman's capital on behalf of Goldman. You are not a broker. You are not a friend of clients. You are not a friend of anyone other than the people who run Goldman. They've given you $500 million to turn into $700 million by the end of the year with reasonably low risk taken. So...go do that.

If you do, and you make for them "excess returns" of a few hundred mil as a prop trader, you'll get a sweet bonus for yourself. Make $100 mil "above and beyond" for the partnership, and you'll expect an 8-figure bonus. Start with a PhD in math or stats from Stanford or MIT. You'll at least get an interview.

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want to get sent to detention we don't recommend doing


this on halloween Okay this one's really about acting as


a principal How versus acting as an agent princip al


equals owner agent equals a commission taker principal The end


result like how well or poorly and investment performs determines


success Agent whether or not a commission happens determines success


Principal The party responsible for a given system or project


or event being successful agent the party responsible for getting


people teo just spend money on that event Principal developer


The person risking capital to make say a commercial building


Make money for investors Agent the person who sold office


units in that commercial building Principal the portfolio manager the


buy side player region the stockbroker the sell side player


and well that's it in our next video will cover


acting as a shakespearean prince also challenging but the pay 00:01:23.426 --> [endTime] isn't is good

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