Pure Play

Tesla makes only one thing:cars. Kaldis only makes coffee. Plunge-o-rama is only good at making plunger handles. And, yeah...they’re okay with that.

These are all things investors can invest in. And they're all pure plays. One thing. Done well.

So what’s not a pure play?

Conglomerates. Like GE. They’re in like 18 different businesses. Finance. Manufacturing. Real estate. Telecommunications.

Alphabet, or Google, USED to be a pure play. It was just search. Then it tacked on Waymo driverless cars, and YouTube and AdSense and DoubleClick and Blogger and X-Labs, and, well, if you want to know all the others, uh, Google it.

Pure. Play.

One thing.

Like a day only riding the matterhorn at Disneyland. Eh, maybe that’s puke play...

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