Reservoir Dogs Quotes

Shmoop will make you a better lover...of quotes


Source: Reservoir Dogs

Speaker: Mr. Blonde

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?


This line is spoken by Mr. Blonde, played by Michael Madsen in the film Reservoir Dogs, directed by Quentin Tarantino (1992).

As diamond heists go, this was an epic fail. What happened? The crooks all agreed to hold their fire, but this was a bloodbath, with gang members and bystanders both getting iced. And hey, where's the real ice? No dice, baby! The thieves were lucky to make a getaway back to the warehouse for a postmortem rethink. (Pardon the pun.)

With tensions running high, Mr. White blames Mr. Blonde for being trigger happy. Blonde sucks on his soda and casually says, "Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"

Fun fact: director Quentin Tarantino was working as a video store clerk when he filmed Reservoir Dogs. He did it on a $30,000 budget with no money for wardrobe. So the cast wore their own clothes or Quentin's friends' donated costumes.

Where you've heard it

How many times has an older sibling teased a younger one with this line? Maybe there was that bully at school who taunted you into a recess scrap, where you (of course) took the higher ground and fled. But let's get literal. If you've ever taken your puppy to dog training, then you've heard it a bunch of times. Maybe the instructor tried to do their best Michael Madsen impersonation? If so, our condolences.

Additional Notable References

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

This arrogant put-down line is just begging for a dog fight. So be ready to take it outside.