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The proctors just offered me a position as a time-limit enforcer. I'm thinking about taking the job: if you mess with the buffalo, you'll get the horns...LITERALLY.

Bonds and Bondage Part 1: Basics

Dashboard > Chapter 4: Raising Debt - Securities > Bonds and Bondage Part 1: Basics

Bonds and Bondage Part 1: Basics

Bondage, Goin' Biblical

To the bankers' delight, The Sauce Company is likely going to be a consumer of capital for a very long time, as it believes it can "roll up" through a long series of purchases an otherwise disparate industry ripe for a nimble player with a hot product. The broader rationale as Wu presents things is that if these many small companies had access to "scale" or volume purchase discounts from suppliers, they could get, say, onions for 20% less; similarly, if they aggregated...

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Next: Bonds Part Deux – Should Sauce Borrow with Bonds?  
  Prev: Taking Stock of the Situation with Preferred Stock