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If you get a question about Star Wars, remember, it's HAN Solo, not HANS Solo. He gets that all the time.

The Playground Rules - Fair Play

Dashboard > Chapter 13: Fair Play & Ethics (Pro) > The Playground Rules - Fair Play

The Playground Rules - Fair Play

An Order: The Lifecycle

Silence. Tiger looks exhausted, thinking through all of the mechanics. Finally Butch intones, "Treat your customers right and they'll stay with you—good markets and bad. Screw them once and they're gone forever. The question sometimes is 'what is right?'" Tiger nods.

Butch goes on to explain that managing money is serious business. And that SEC/FINRA and other SROs come down on you like a ton of bricks if you step one inch out of bounds—so don't even get close to the b...

Looking for more? Why is this annoying box in the way? It's because you haven't paid for the course yet!

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