James Cole (Bruce Willis)’s Timeline and Summary

James Cole (Bruce Willis)’s Timeline and Summary

  • James Cole is a prisoner in the future dystopia that is 2035. He "volunteers" for a mission to collect samples from the disease-ridden surface.
  • Impressed with his physical and mental strength, the Scientists offer him an opportunity for a full pardon and to help humanity regain the planet.
  • Jump back to 1990, we find Cole in a police cell, beaten, confused, and drugged out of his skull.
  • He is transferred to the county's mental hospital, where he meets Jeffery Goines. There, he tries to convince the psychiatrists he's from the future. He's been sent back in time to gather information on the Army of the 12 Monkeys to help develop a vaccine to a virus they will release in the year 1996.
  • Yeah, no takers. They all think he's crazy.
  • With Goines' help, Cole makes an escape attempt. He is stopped, restrained, and drugged, yet he miraculously disappears later the same day.
  • Back in the future, Cole explains to the Scientists that they sent him to the wrong year. The Scientists ask if he'd like another go at it.
  • After a quick detour to World War I, Cole arrives in 1996. He locates and abducts Dr. Railly, forcing her to drive him to Philadelphia so he can gather information on the Army of the 12 Monkeys.
  • He learns that his ol' buddy Jeffery Goines is the founder of the extremist group. Cole goes to talk with Goines.
  • During their chat, Cole learns he inadvertently gave Goines the idea for the virus while in the mental hospital in 1990. He attacks Goines in a fit of rage but is chased out by security.
  • As the police converge on his and Railly's location, Cole disappears once again.
  • In the future, the Scientists present him with a full pardon, but Cole denies they exist, claiming he's dotty in the dome.
  • Deciding he wants to go back and live with Dr. Railly, he tricks the Scientists into sending him back to 1996.
  • He reunites with Dr. Railly. At first, he tries to convince her that he's truly insane, but the evidence just keeps piling up in his favor.
  • Deciding they can't do anything to stop the virus, Railly books them a trip to Key West.
  • On the way to the airport, they learn the Army of the 12 Monkeys didn't release the virus. Goines' master plan was to release animals from the zoo.
  • Cole and Railly are relieved. They may get to enjoy this vacay yet.
  • At the airport, Cole calls the Scientists in the future and leaves them a message: the Army of the 12 Monkeys isn't responsible, someone else is.
  • He bumps into Jose, a fellow time-traveler. Jose gives him a gun and tells him to shoot the guy who will release the virus.
  • Railly informs Cole she knows who it is: Dr. Peters, Dr. Goines' assistant.
  • Cole breaks through airport security and tries to shoot Dr. Peters, but the police arrive and gun down Cole instead.
  • Cole dies as his younger self watches on.