Alicia Nash (Jennifer Connelly)’s Timeline and Summary

Alicia Nash (Jennifer Connelly)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Alicia starts out as John's student, but she quickly makes sure their relationship takes a romantic turn.
  • She goes to his office hours and asks him out. He's weird about it, but she doesn't mind.
  • Soon, they're getting married and making a baby.
  • Things aren't totally smooth sailing, though: Pretty much right away, they learn that John has been dealing with undiagnosed schizophrenia for some time.
  • She sticks with John through his treatments and supports the family financially while he's too medicated to work.
  • John eventually gets tired of feeling blunted by the drugs/treatments and goes off his meds…which means the delusions return. Which means his doctor fears for his/his family's safety and suggests that Alicia commit him.
  • However, he begs her not to do that, saying that he just wants a little time to try to get well on his own, if she'll give it to him.
  • She agrees, and John does seem to get better, slowly but surely. The power of love at work, folks.