A Border Passage Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Border Passage? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who was Gamal Abdel Nasser?

Mayor of Cairo
Second president of Egypt
First president of Egypt
Transitional governor of Egypt
Q. Huda Shaarawi was a feminist who made a very public gesture to support women's rights. What was it?

She organized public protests against child marriages
She demanded a better education for herself
She took off her face veil in public and refused to wear it again
She refused to be ruled by her husband
Q. Ahmed's father opposed the building of the Aswan High Dam on ecological grounds. Why did this so upset Nasser that his government persecuted Ahmed's family for years after?

Nasser had a mighty bad temper and could hold a grudge
Nasser saw the dam as a symbol of Egypt's power
Nasser needed someone to blame for any damage from the dam
Nasser had already built the dam and didn't want opposition
Q. Why was there violence around Balfour Day commemorations in Cairo in the late '40s?

Egyptians hated colonial British rule by this point
Egyptians didn't want to celebrate foreign holidays
The Muslim Brotherhood urged Egypt to side with Palestine against Israel
Egypt was never open to outsiders and never would be
Q. Nasser becomes the "hero of the third world" after the bombing of Port Said because:

His forces conquered the British colonialists
He prevented many Egyptian deaths with quick maneuvering
He'd stood up to the British, who were considered bullies
He'd made some serious diplomatic moves to stop the attack