Grandfather Timeline and Summary


Grandfather Timeline and Summary

  • Ahmed notes that Grandfather had blue eyes and was handsome, and that Nanny had a little crush on him.
  • Her aunts would do silly imitations of authoritarian Grandfather when they were in Grandmother's receiving rooms at Zatoun.
  • Ahmed tells us that Grandfather was rarely home and even when he was, he wouldn't step foot in Grandmother's rooms.
  • Though his presence made everyone a little uptight, Grandfather showed affection to his grandchildren.
  • We learn that his son Fuad committed suicide because he refused to allow Fuad permission to marry a European girl. Grandmother never lets him forget this.
  • Grandfather buys a summer house at Alexandria for the women of the family and their children.
  • He also sends his car to Ain Shams every day so that Ahmed's mother and children can go to Zatoun for a few hours in the morning.
  • After Grandfather dies, the house at Zatoun is taken by the government and used as a school.