Brother Francis Gerard Timeline and Summary


Brother Francis Gerard Timeline and Summary

  • On a Lenten vigil—which is not at all like a vacation, and actually involves a lot of work—Brother Francis meets an old wanderer coming down the road.
  • They have a slight misunderstanding resulting in some dropped cheese and a near bludgeoning. Eventually, they figure each other out, and the old wanderer agrees to help the novice find a rock to complete his shelter. For the vigil.
  • When Francis goes to collect said rock, he uncovers an old Fallout Shelter and a treasure trove of Memorabilia.
  • Some of the Memorabilia has the name Leibowitz on it. Turns out, this Leibowitz guy is the founder of Francis's order.
  • Francis tries to explain the discovery to Father Cheroki during confession, but the senior thinks heat and hunger have gone to the boy's head. The father sends him to the abbey.
  • Abbott Arkos demands Francis change his story. When he doesn't, Francis receives a whooping that hurts us to even read about.
  • Arkos then keeps Francis a novice for seven years.
  • New Rome eventually reopens the investigation of the Fallout Shelter to determine the sainthood of Leibowitz. After that, Arkos lets Francis take his vows and lightens up (a bit).
  • Francis takes a job in the copyroom and works on an illuminated copy of the Leibowitz blueprint.
  • He is visited by two people: Monsignor Aguerra and Monsignor Flaught. The former wants to prove Leibowitz is a saint, the latter to disprove it. Francis tells them both the same story he's been telling for years now.
  • Francis is invited to the ceremony to make Leibowitz an official saint of the Church. We guess things turned out in Leibowitz's favor. Yay.
  • On the way, the illuminated manuscript is stolen by a robber and his two mutant sidekicks. Not yay.
  • At New Rome, Francis is thanked for contribution to the Memorabilia and given the money to buy back his illuminated copy.
  • He returns to the place of the robbery to do just that, but instead, he is murdered by the robber's sidekicks. That's life. Or, um. Death, anyway.