A Clash of Kings Chapter 57 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Theon V

  • Theon thinks back on killing the boys, dipping their heads in tar, and all the other lovely details associated with child murder.
  • He goes to see Asha, who waits for him in Great Hall, sitting in the high seat of the Starks.
  • At Theon's request to help hold Winterfell, she has brought twenty men with her, but only ten are staying; the rest are beating feet with her.
  • Asha asks to speak with Theon privately. She tells him that his "prize" will ruin him as the Greyjoys receive their strength from sea and ship, not holding land and castles.
  • She requests he return with her, but he refuses, saying he'll hold the castle.
  • Reek comes to Theon and reminds him ten men won't be enough to hold back Ser Rodrik. He suggests that Theon provide him a bag of silver and a horse, and he'll give his prince men to fight for him.
  • Theon agrees even though he thinks Reek is just going to bail on him, too.
  • That night, he dreams of the feast Eddard Stark held for King Robert at Winterfell. Only in this dream, everyone is dead and mutilated.