Alan Clay Timeline and Summary


Alan Clay Timeline and Summary

  • Alan arrives in Jeddah and meets Yousef when he misses the shuttle to KAEC.
  • When he finally makes it to KAEC, he sees nothing much happening there. Sayed and Mujaddid convince him otherwise.
  • Alan finds his crew in a tent outside the Welcome Center and wonders what's happening.
  • He and his crew have no idea how long they'll have to wait for an audience with the king. They try to stay occupied.
  • Alan seethes as he waits to speak with Karim about problems in the tent. On his second try to corner Karim, he meets Hanne.
  • Hanne gives him some moonshine to help him sleep. They share their life stories.
  • Alan drinks himself into oblivion at the hotel, but before passing out, he does a little impromptu surgery on his neck lump.
  • He learns about Yousef's girl trouble and Yousef promises to make a doctor's appointment for Alan and his lump.
  • After more fruitless waiting in the tent, Alan returns to Hanne's moonshine and tries to write letters to Kit.
  • Hanne invites Alan to a wild party at the Danish embassy. Alan fails to respond to Hanne's advances.
  • Yousef takes Alan to see Dr. Hakem. She tells him his lump is probably benign and schedules surgery. Alan's immediately attracted to her. Yikes.
  • Alan goes for an awkward dinner and bath (!) at Hanne's place. We learn that he's feeling fairly dead inside.
  • Another drunken night, another improvised probing of the neck lump.
  • Alan finds out that Karim has been avoiding him. He makes demands that Karim seems to agree to, and the two go on a yacht ride.
  • After a false alarm about the arrival of the king, Alan goes on a tour of the pink condos. He tries to settle a dispute among laborers and is nearly beaten.
  • Alan heads out to Yousef's family home to show solidarity with his beleaguered friend. He meets Yousef's friend Salem.
  • Several shenanigans ensue: Alan tells a paranoid neighbor that he might be a CIA agent—and then he nearly kills a shepherd boy during a wolf hunt.
  • Alan returns to Jeddah in disgrace. He has surgery to remove his lump and winds up flirting with Dr. Hakem later.
  • He joins Zahra Hakem for a date at her bro's beach house. There are steamy moments, but nothing ultimately "happens."
  • Alan and crew finally get to present their technology to King Abdullah—but the contract goes to a Chinese firm.
  • He decides to stay on at KAEC in the hope of selling something (anything) to the developing city.